KCR supports Kejriwal on Delhi ordinance, attacks BJP


Rama Krishna Sangem

Telangana CM and BRS president K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) on May 27, Saturday extended his full support to Delhi CM and AAP national coordinator Arvind Kejriwal in opposing the Centre’s recent ordinance on Delhi administration. “This is gross violation of the spirit of Constitution and justice. BJP hasn’t learnt any lessons even after its humiliating defeat in Karnataka,” said KCR.

Kejriwal along with his party’s Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann flew down to Hyderabad earlier in the day,to enlist support of KCR in their campaign against the ordinance giving more powers to Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor (LG). The Centre has brought this ordinance after the Supreme Court has defined powers of Delhi government in transfer and posting of officials. But, the ordinance gave wider powers to the LG   Two AAP MPs too accompanied Kejriwal.   

Earlier, Kejriwal called on Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee and Maharashtra senior leader Sharad Pawar and former CM Uddhav Thackeray on the issue. Talking to media after the meeting, Kejrwial said: “We feel stronger after KCR supported us on this issue”. Kejriwal has launched a nationwide campaign to defeat the ordinance in Rajya Sabha when it is introduced soon. BRS will vote against the ordinance in Parliament.


BJP harassing Delhi government

Kejriwal and Mann explained how the BJP ruled Centre has been harassing the elected government of Delhi, led by AAP, only to curtail the powers of an opposition run administration. The two AAP CMs said, the Delhi government had  to go to SC even to present its annual budget in the assembly as LG hasn’t cooperated. “BJP is restless after we won massive victory in Delhi municipal corporation,” said Mann.

The AAP leaders pointed out how the powers of Delhi government had been curtailed after BJP came to power in 2014. “When former Congress CM Sheila Dixit was in office, she enjoyed more powers from the Centre, but after AAP won the assembly elections, the process of cutting of powers of an elected government began,” they said. KCR termed this practice as undemocratic and justice, as the ordinance violates the judgement of SC.


3 CMs
3 CMs – KCR, Kejriwal and Bagawant Mann at Pragathi Bhavan, Hyderabad


Rama Krishna Sangem

Ramakrishna chief editor of excel India online magazine and website

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Rama Krishna Sangem

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