CM KCR inaugurates grand “Telangana Martyrs Memorial”

Amarajyothi KCR

Rama Krishna Sangem

Telangana chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on June 22, Thursday evening unveiled the Amarajyothi, a grand memorial of martyrs who laid down their lives for the cause of separate statehood for the region over the last several decades. on the banks Husain Sagar Lake. in the heart of Hyderabad city. This multi-storied structure is built at a cost of around Rs 150 crore to keep the memory of martyrs as well as history of statehood struggles.

This magnificent structure is called Telangana Amarula Smarakam  or -#Amaradeepam or #Amarajyothi.  

Addressing public after unveiling the unique Martyr memorial the Chief minister recollected the efforts of the Telangana torch bearers and the martyrdom of the movement participants in two different phases of statehood struggle. The chief minister during his thirty minutes long speech said the statehood struggle promoted and undertaken by the people of Telangana is one of the rarest struggles in the democratic India.

CM KCR further said the beginning days of the movement were planned meticulously by the movement runners and the planning was to percolate into the interiors of the under developed region of the then Telangana, chief minister during his speech detailed how the Telangana second phase struggle was planned implemented and materialised . He paid rich tributes to the martyrs of the statehood struggle .

The Amara Jyothi was formally inaugurated by the chief minister earlier in the presence of his cabinet colleagues and several movement supporters. The chief secretary Shanthi Kumari during her speech paid floral tributes to the martyrs. The chief ministers speech is preceded by the honoring of family members of the Telangana martyrs.

This inauguration of Amarjyothi through the bands of CM KCR marks conclusion of 21 day long celebrations of 10th anniversary of Telangana formation in 2014. The celebrations, “Telangana Dashabdi Utsavalu” will go on for a year till, June 2, 2024. The memorial opening on Thursday witnessed grand gala rally of artists and activists who played a part in the statehood struggle and the kin of the martryrs.

CM KCR promised to ensure financial assistance and justice to all those  kith and kin who are not yet covered by the government schemes meant for their welfare. Several ministers and legislators and parliamentarians took part in the celebrations.


MP  Santosh pays tributes

BRS Rajya Sabha MP J Santosh Kumar termed the opening of this Telangana Amarula Smakaram through the hands of CM KCR as historic and a matter of pride for people of Telangana.   “The history of martyrs sacrifices will be immortal.  Generations to come would know about them by visiting this memorial,” tweeted the MP.




Rama Krishna Sangem

Ramakrishna chief editor of excel India online magazine and website

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Rama Krishna Sangem

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