TRS Plenary: 5 Takeaways

Telangana @ 8

Rama Krishna Sangem

Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) 21st foundation day plenary held at HICC Grounds, in Hyderabad on April 27, Wednesday, was definitely a grand success. Everything went off as per the guidance and supervision of party supreme and Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR). The 13 resolutions passed at the plenary gave a general direction to TRS till 2023 Assembly elections.

We at  Excel India try to analyse the broad trends of the plenary and the political course of KCR in the coming days. Some talked about he launching a new national party, while others simply expected him to start an AAP (Aam Aadmin Party) type political movement to clean up the system at the national level. Still the picture is unclear. I would like to mention 5 takeaways from the 10-hour long plenary.

National Role for KCR

This he has been talking about for the last few months. KCR has met several political leaders like CMs — Uddhav Thackeray, Sharad Pawar, Mamata Banerjee, MK Stalin, Hemanth Soren, among others. Will he launch a new political front or a party or a coalition of parties or a movement type outfit? One thing is clear, at the plenary, KCR said: “What we need now is Not fronts or tents (referring to camps), but a new political alternative”.

KCR also rebuffed the idea of forming an anti-BJP front at the national level. He said that the Left parties leaders have asked him to join hands with them to remove BJP from power.I told them, that is a trash idea. I will never join them. The question is not to remove one or the other party from power. Also meaningless are the conclaves of some 3-4 CMs coming together to work against someone”.


This is the running theme at the TRS plenary. KCR spoke about the importance of keeping the federal spirit of the Constitution for the sake of development of the states and the country. Some speakers have mentioned that the BJP now wants a stronger Centre and weaker states. This is not good for the country’s growth. Most resolutions were based on this concept.

Best Practices of Governance: Another running theme is the achievements of KCR government in the State in the last eight years. Be it quality power supply for 24/7 or Kaleswaram Lift irrigation project or Rythu Bandhu and Dalit Bandhu, CM KCR is credited with the best practices of governance. His latest expansion of government schools and hospitals is part of it. KCR also claimed that there are no corruption charges against him.


KCR has launched a direct attack on BJP for its hidden agenda of stoking communal tensions in the country. He linked the disturbances to peace and communal harmony to the economic growth of the country. How can industries come to us, if there are curfews and law and order problems? KCR blamed BJP-led Karnataka government for raking up issues like Hijab, Halal, to terrorize Muslims.

Congress spared

Contrary to previous plenaries of TRS, this time, KCR hasn’t attacked the Congress party. Earlier, he used to attack Congress for its misrule for decades. But, this time, he reserved his firepower only for BJP. Sparing Congress is a surprise as the party in Telangana claims to coming power soon. KCR’s recent talks with poll strategist Prashant Kishor on bringing together all non-BJP forces at the national level may be a reason for this.


Also Read:

KTR Punch lines steal TRS Plenary show



Rama Krishna Sangem

Ramakrishna chief editor of excel India online magazine and website

One thought on “TRS Plenary: 5 Takeaways

  1. I think KCR has developed cold feet regarding building a federal front of regional parties as a national alternative, an idea he has been pursuing for sometime now.

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