Rama Krishna Sangem
Dr Buchanna, (now) got his PhD for creating data models that help analyzing and predicting epileptic seizures from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Osmania University. His PhD thesis is titled “Machine Learning Classification of Epileptic Seizures based on electroencephalogram (EEG) using third ordered cumulants and adaptive fractal analysis techniques”.
Prof A Govredhan,rector of JNTU Hyderabad supervised Buchanna’s PhD. Dr Buchanna’s study uses machine learning driven by artificial intelligence to collect data on different types of seizures from different age groups and offers us big data so that one can understand the severity of the problem at various levels. This study is more useful to public health policy makers.
Seizures are a common sympton of this neurological condition, which is caused by the discharge of brain nerve cells at an excessively fast rate. Chaos, nonlinearity are common features of scalp. This study sheds light on the effectiveness of identifying seizures with accurancy of 98.23 per cent. The findings can be utilized to develop theoretical guidance for the clinical identification and predication of epileptic EEG signals.
“My Dream Come true”
“My dream of obtaining a PhD on the subject has come true,” said Dr Buchannal, talking to Excel India in Hyderabad on March 15. Hailing from Nizamabad district in Telangana, Mopal mandal headquarter village, Buchanna went to the US two decades ago and is working there as a software entrepreuer besides doing a some social work too. He was felicitated by his native villagers this week. Dr Buchanna thanked them for their love and affection.