Rama Krishna Sangem
BRS Rajya Sabha member J Santosh Kumar continued his passion for birds photography and posted on X pics of an Indian cuckoo this Sunday, December 24. The chill of winter around Christmas and Boxing day is tough for all and more so for birds. In these pics we can see the grey environs of flora and it definitely impacts our winged friends too. Getting on camera of a cuckoo needs some patience and skill. See the photo texture and colour background .
Santosh who founded Green India Challenge six and a half years ago has never missed a Sunday without posting pics of wildlife and nature, mostly birds of different species. Already, there is a coffee-table book on his birds photography and some more may come soon. The main motto of these posts is to generate awareness among people about environment and nature and develop curiosity in children about birds.
What’s impressive about him, as we talked last weeks, Santosh hasn’t given a break to his habit of posting Sunday photos during the recent assembly elections and after that, irrespective of defeat of his party. This is another point of example for youngsters, that they should pursue their passion, notwithstanding the circumstances or temporary setbacks. There’s no dip in his followers of birds photos on X – 4,94 views, 242 likes.
Cuckoos are shy, solitary
Indian cuckoos are popularly seen in our country and surrounding geographies. They prefer high altitudes and would like to be solitary, as shy by nature. It is very rare to spot them in our surroundings and capture on cameras. These birds are worshiped by people, mostly tribes across the world. They are not endangered in our country yet, but we must try to save them from poaching and trading.

Lowland white eyed too cute to spot
Santosh clicked a lowland white-eyed bird before Sunday, December 17. The are rarely seen in our parts of Telangana, but bird watchers spot them occasionally. These small but cute birds need wetlands for survival and spread. Different coloured, these birds need our support from poaching and trading. On X, this post of Santosh two weeks ago got a whopping 13,800 views and 366 likes!