Rama Krishna Sangem
Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticulture Univerisity (SKLTSHU) will be holding its 2nd convocation at its main campus, Mulugu, in Siddipet district on December 23, Friday. Governor Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan who is also the Chancellor of the university will grace the occasion. Dr Anand Kumar Singh, deputy director of ICAR (horticulture science) will be the chief guest.
Telangana state Horticultural University had first ever lady Vice- Chancellor Dr Neeraja Prabhakar – for the first time in the country among all agriculture, horticulture, veterinary and fisheries universities instituted in agriculture and allied sectors in the county. The entire credit goes CM K Chandrasekhar Rao. University achieved this rare record with its inception itself.
Telangana state Horticultural University has many significant achievements in the last 8 years in education, research and extension. One of the major achievements is SKLTSHU has got ICAR accreditation for University and colleges for UG, M.Sc and Ph.D programme for a period of 5 years from 28th March 2021 to 27th March 2026. A total of 66 JRF Seats, 7 SRF seats were obtained by the students of SKLTSHU till last year.
During the year 2021, 31 students with 8 JRF, 23 Non JRF were obtained by the students of SKLTSHU. During the year 2022, 8 SRF seats, 23 JRF seats were obtained by the students. The university has accorded affiliation status to the Forest College and Research Institute (FCRI) and Horticulture polytechnic by amending the Act and Statues of the University.
University is going to initiate the PG Programme from the academic year 2022-23 at “PG Institute for Horticulture Sciences” established at headquarters of the SKLTSHU, Mulugu to improve the quality of the PG programme. SKLTSHU has inaugurated College building of HPT Adilabad on 16-2-2022.
University has submitted proposals for new research station. Chilli and seed spice Research Station, Warangal district. ARI 516 (H 516/MACS 516) is the first grape variety recommended for release and notified through ICAR-AICRP at 28th meeting of CVRC for Horticultural crops. ARI 516 (H 516/MACS 516) is a promising juice variety for processing industry in Telangana region.
The hybrid variety ARI-516 has been developed by interbreeding of two species from the same genus — Catawba variety of Vitis labrusca and Beauty seedless variety of Vitis vinifera. The university has submitted Geographical Indications (GI) of Chapta chillies. Further, accession numbers were obtained for the new clones of Jack fruit, Tomato and Bael. Standardized the fertigation technology for mango, IPNM in guava.
Standardized the package of practice for organic production of mango and guava. Standardized the fertigation schedules for cabbage, lettuce and broccoli under protected cultivation and chillies in open conditions. Standardized the integrated pest management of brinjal shoot and fruit borer and tomato pin worm.
University has introduced short term Certificate training programmes in the areas of kitchen / roof gardening in vegetable crops, management of oil palm orchards and Landscape Maintenance etc., The university has initiated work in Oilpalm research with respect to method of planting and intercrop ping at HPT Ramagirikilla.
(For more details, contact: Dr. Adapa Kiran Kumar, Dean of Horticulture, Director of Extension and Comptroller, SKLTSHU. Mobile No. 9440108930)