Rama Krishna Sangem
Dr. B. Neeraja Prabhakar, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University said that physical fitness and mental toughness play a vital role in the success of students. It is mentioned that physical fitness is more necessary for female students than male students.
She spoke to the students at the opening ceremony of games and competitions organized at the sports hall of Mojerla Horticultural College, Pedamandadi mandal of Wanaparthi district. Speaking on this occasion, the Vice Chancellor said that sports are very important for mental development and students will excel in studies without mental stress. Universities and colleges should give equal priority to sports along with studies. Students learn more in a stress-free environment.
Dr. Neeraja Prabhakar said that students should focus on these topics along with studies. VC madam called upon the students to make sports a part of their routine lives. For physical fitness, mental sturdiness are that development is inextricably linked. She reminded that there is an inextricable relationship between physical fitness and mental development.
On this occasion, she visited the field practicals conducted by the students and congratulated the students. She said that research should be conducted on the types of vegetable crops released by public sector organizations and that technology should be given to farmers. After that, they watched the science fair organized by the students. On the occasion, the Vice-Chancellor handed over awards to the students who won in various games and competitions.
Dean of Student Affairs Dr. D. Vijaya, College Associate Dean Dr. Pidigam Saidiah, Estate Officer Nageshwar Reddy, OSA Dr. Shahnaz, Dr. J. Shankar Swamy, Dr. Gauthami, Dr. Vidya, Dr. Srinivas, Chandrasekhar, Professors, Students participated, according to a media release from the university on December 29, Friday.