MP Santosh clicks Parrots this Sunday

Parrots pair

Rama Krishna Sangem

BRS Rajya Sabha member J Sanosh Kumar caught in his camera a pair of parrots this Sunday, July 23.  This is part o his #Sundayphotography to generate environmental consciousness among people in times of climate change that occupies global attention currently. Compared to any other wildlife, birds reflect the quality of ground and tree cover in an area. That’s a reason Santosh is focusing his camera lens on birds for the last few months.

Santosh, who founded #GreenIndiaChallenge six years back is doing his best to create awareness in public on the need to preserve green cover and grow more trees.  On the occasion of GIC entering sixth year, Santosh called people upon to curb use of single use plastic bags, covers. These single use plastic covered a big menace to environment and animals too as they eat them along with the left out stuff.

Coming to parrots he captured in his camera this week, they are considered the most intelligent birds. Some species can be trained to imitate words uttered by humans. That’s why the phrase of parroting somebody’s worlds came into usage. There are dozens of parrot species across the southern hemisphere (they are not seen in the cold countries). Our Indian variant, with green body and red  beak is most popular.

They east seeds, nuts and nectar, but some wild parrots also eat insects. Though technically they are not endangered in most parts of the world, they face problems in India, because of their good looks. People prefer to keep them as pets, in cages, while some fortune tellers use them to pick cards. People believe whatever is written on a card is their future. Of co course, the laws ban such practices. Bette we see and enjoy these beautiful birds.


Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi praises Santosh for GIC


Kailash GIC
Kailash Satyarthi planting a sapling with MP Sanotsh and others of GIC at IIIT campus on Saturday


Noble Peace Prize winner (2014) and founder of “Bachpan Bachao Andolan” Kailash Satyarthi participated in the prestigious “Green India Challenge” and planted saplings along Green India  founder and Rajya Sabha MP Joginipalli Santosh Kumar at IIIT campus, Gachibowli in Hyderabad on July 22,  Saturday. Satyarthi has been striving for children rights and provide education to underprivileged children.

On the occasion, Santosh Kumar honoured the Noble prize winner and presented his books ” Vrikshavedam ” and  “Harithahasam” to Kailash Satyarthi.

Kailash Satyarthi praised Green India founder Santosh Kumar for his endeavour to promote plantation and environmental conservation.   It is a proud moment  to see an  young Parliamentarian in India is  working for nature conservation for future generations. Santosh Kumar is one among the first who loves  this land and society to make a happy living for all, he said.

Santosh Kumar said that It is a delightful moment that a renowned  great person like Kailash Satyarthi participated  and planted saplings in the launch of  “Green India Challenge 6.0”.  Santosh Kumar said that the “Green India Challenge” will reach out all the Rights Activists through Green India Challenge and promote the plantation around the world.

IIIT students , Director Professor PJ Narayanan, Green India Challenge founder members Raghava, Karunakar Reddy and others also participated .





Rama Krishna Sangem

Ramakrishna chief editor of excel India online magazine and website

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