G-20 grand success, Bharat PM Modi shines on global stage

Bharat PM Modi

Rama Krishna Sangem

G-20 Summit, a two day grand gala in New Delhi on September 9- 10, concluded on a successful note, leaving Prime Minister Narendra Modi basking under global glory. This can be termed as PM Modi’s his lifetime memorable event as we all remember this international conclave for more than one reason. This year, this time and this occasion is significant for the Presidency of India, or Bharat as Modi would like us to call our country..

For many of us, Modi reminded of late PM Indira Gandhi who too used to electrify international gatherings in New Delhi drawing applause from all. PM Modi too single handed led the G-20 leader summit at every level – right from the three major sessions – One Earth, on climate change, One Family, on debt restructuring and One Future, on technology initiatives to President’s dinner to paying tributes to Mahatma Gandhi.

You can see the clear imprint of Modi everywhere. Be it cultural shows or Bharat Mandapam media centre or millet recipes at Rashtrapathi Bhavan dinner or a series of bilateral talks – Modi proved his the boss who can ensure things smoothly. More than anything, it is the New Delhi Leaders Declaration that has been adopted unanimously. Everyone watched anxiously how it will refer to the ongoing Ukraine war. But, Modi balanced it so well.


Many firsts to G-20

There are many firsts to this G-20 summit. Ever since India took over the presidency from Indonesia in 2022 November, PM Modi stepped into its command control. He made it a popular event – in contrast from previous summits which used to be simply bureaucratic meetings. He decided to hold around 200 working group and other stake holders meetings in 60 cities some outside India – including the US.

He conducted these meetings like a festival celebrations – with G-20 logo prominently displayed everywhere. Close to one lakh people or delegates or stakeholders participated in these events. This has caught the imagination of the member countries. The PM has put in place a team to coordinate things – Foreign Minister Dr S Jaishankar at the helm, with Amitabh Kant as G-20 Sherpa and Harsha Vardhan Shringla as the chief coordinator of G-20.

Then, the team did the rest of the job. They held several rounds of behind the scene meetings, talks  and bargains with the global diplomats and stitched together things –  in drafting a 38 page and 83 para New Delhi Declaration that should be adopted unanimously. This was not possible at Bali summit of G-29 in 2022. Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra too joined the team.


How Russia, China fell in line?

Most observers were surprised how the Declaration with seven paras on Ukraine war is possible, that too with the presence of Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov and Chinese PM Li Qiang at the summit. As I mentioned in a story on September 9, the declaration has denounced the war, but refrained from naming Russia as the aggressor. Still, the wording of these paras leave none in doubts who the aggressor is.

Here lies the find diplomacy of PM Modi and his team. They first convinced Russia to the wording of the paras. Then, China automatically agreed to it. Russia relented as it is not openly named as perpetrator of the war on Ukraine. So, Lavrov was okay with the paras. But, more than that, India offered a commercial deal to Russia – where all the rupees stock piled with it for selling oil would be taken back by India as investments in Indian projects.

That is a huge relief to Russia, which is clueless on how to use those rupees. These investments can come back to Russia in future either in the form of imports or US dollars once the war is over. Moreover, Russia is pleased with PM Modi not bowing to the Western pressure to invite Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy to G-20 summit. With this, Putin’s ego satisfied, Russia’s commercial interests served.

So, Lavrov has Okayed the declaration. If Russia is Okay with it, China too is Okay with it. This is how PM Modi and his team at G-20 pulled off a unanimous resolution. The US, the UK and the rest of the G-7 countries and EU too are happy that the declaration has condemned in no uncertain terms all forms of aggression to alter the borders of sovereign countries. That meets the expectations of the Western countries stand.


G-21 after AU entry 

Now that African Union (AU) – a forum of 55 African countries joined G-20, it will become G-21. PM Modi has taken all steps to convince all the players of G-20 to admit AU into the group. Now on it will be G0-21. Now it will be a group of 97 countries – 19 original countries, European Union of of 23 countries and AU of 55 nations. The footprint of G0-21 will be much bigger, bolder and louder.

Perhaps, G-21 has become another United Nations. India, whose presidency has facilitated the entry of AU can proudly claim in future that it played a role in expanding an important forum to cover a vast continent of Africa. So, India can officially claim to be the voice of Global South – of developing countries.  India, or Bharat, wants to be Viswaguru or Viswamitra to the world.

PM Modi designed a Viswa Mantra to it. His personalized style of diplomacy – by hugging or lending personal touch to his meeting with global leaders – cannot be brushed aside, in winning some brownies. The way he made US president Joe Biden and Saudi Arabia crown prince Mohammad bin Salman shake hands or a selfie with Biden and Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina or warm reception to UK PM Rishi Sunak are some of its samples.

Whether all this will help Bharat PM Modi any electoral dividends, I will discuss it in another story soon.

Rama Krishna Sangem

Ramakrishna chief editor of excel India online magazine and website

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