600 lawyers write to CJI, seek protection to judiciary integrity

Supreme Court

Rama Krishna Sangem

More than 600 lawyers, including senior advocate Harish Salve and Bar Council of India chairman Manan Kumar Mishra, from across India have written to Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud expressing concern over what they perceive as a threat to the judiciary’s integrity.

The lawyers condemned the “vested interest group” attempting to manipulate judicial processes, influence court decisions, and tarnish the reputation of the judiciary with baseless allegations and political agendas.

It is not clear who these lawyers are targeting, but it appears some of the seniors in the legal fraternity who are not happy with the judiciary, for the outcomes of their cases

According to the letter, these tactics are particularly evident in cases involving political figures accused of corruption, where efforts to sway court decisions and discredit the judiciary are most pronounced.

One of the alarming tactics mentioned in the letter is the alleged fabrication of false narratives aimed at portraying a skewed view of the judiciary’s functioning, with comparisons to a purported ‘golden age’ of the courts. Such narratives, the lawyers asserted, are intended to influence judicial outcomes and erode public trust in the judiciary


Bench fixing

The letter raised concerns about the “concocted theory of bench fixing,” wherein attempts are made to influence the composition of judicial benches and cast aspersions on the integrity of judges. The lawyers decried these actions as not only disrespectful but also damaging to the rule of law and the principles of justice.

“They have also stooped to the level of comparing our courts to those countries where there is no rule of law and accusing our judicial institutions with unfair practices,” the letter read.

“These aren’t just criticisms; they are direct attacks meant to damage the public’s trust in our judiciary and threaten the fair application of our laws,” it added. They expressed dismay over the phenomenon of political flip-flopping, where politicians switch stances on legal matters depending on their interests, thereby undermining the credibility of the legal system.

“It is strange to see politicians accuse someone of corruption and then defend them in court. If the court’s decision doesn’t go their way, they quickly criticise the courts inside the court as well as through media. This two-faced behaviour is harmful to the respect a common man should have for our legal system,” the lawyers alleged.

“Staying silent or doing nothing could accidentally give more power to those who mean to do harm. This is not the time to maintain dignified silence as such efforts are happening since few years and too frequently,” they said

Rama Krishna Sangem

Ramakrishna chief editor of excel India online magazine and website

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