US consul general Melinda Pavek visits IIM Shillong

Melinda Pavek

Rama Krishna Sangem

Melinda Pavek, Consul General at US Consulate General in Kolkata recently visited IIM Shillong to discuss on prospective academic collaborations.

Drawing upon her diverse background in both diplomatic and corporate spheres, Consul General Pavek shared her journey of her current position, highlighting key roles such as Counselor for Science, Innovation, and Development at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo and Deputy Chief of Mission in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei.

Her extensive experience, ranging from public service as a Foreign Service Officer to corporate roles at Johnson & Johnson, provided valuable insights into the intricacies of international relations, said a press release from IIM Shillong on March 9, Saturday.

Prof D P Goyal, Director, IIM Shillong while welcoming Consul General Pavek mentioned about various initiatives of IIM Shillong and highlighted the International Collaborations with the B Schools of US resulting in mutual exchange programs, joint research initiatives, and faculty collaborations between IIM Shillong and B Schools of US.

One notable initiative discussed during the session was the University of Arizona's endeavour to foster learning for 100 million learners. Consul General Pavek highlighted the importance of initiatives like "100,000 Strong in the Americas," aimed at enhancing regional education cooperation and preparing students for the global workforce of the 21st century and how IIM Shillong’s collaboration with this initiative would potentially be the key to unlocking further academic collaboration.


Potential for mutual learning

Moreover, Consul General Pavek highlighted the potential for mutual learning between the indigenous populations of both countries, emphasising that understanding and learning from each other's  cultural heritage can drive growth and prosperity in bilateral trade. Students and faculty members of the institute engaged enthusiastically, expressing curiosity about cultural differences in academia and showing keen interest in STEM-based research grants and opportunities available to scholars.

The session further included faculty interaction, focusing on collaborative efforts with foreign  niversities

to enhance learning and knowledge transfer. The visit concluded with a symbolic tree plantation and a campus tour, leaving a lasting impression on all participants. Consul General Pavek's visit proved to be enlightening and enriching, paving the way for further collaboration and exchange between the two countries in the field of education and beyond.

Rama Krishna Sangem

Ramakrishna chief editor of excel India online magazine and website

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